Hypostomus cochliodon

Published / Updated


This friendly South American Loricariidae is native to Paraguay and middle ParanĂ¡ River basins in northern Argentina, southern Brazil and Paraguay. This species is similar to Hypostomus soniae (L137) and L310 from Brazil. Hypostomus cochliodon is like Panaque species a wood-eater.

Care tips

  • Good water current
  • Highly oxygenated water
  • Prefers lower temperatures
  • Usually friendly and peaceful
  • Provide sufficient amount of drift-wood and hiding places
  • Primarily a xylophagus thus provide wood
  • Mainly plant-based diet

Hypostomus cochliodon is also known by Cochliodon pleco.

Below you can the photo and video collection of Cochliodon pleco that I have cared for.

Please contact me if the provided information is faulty.

Photo gallery

This photo gallery contains images. Photos were taken between 2010 and 2011. Latest photos are always at the top. Click on each image for full-screen view.

Video gallery

This video gallery contains videos of my Cochliodon pleco. Latest videos are always at the top.

Cochliodon pleco

This video demonstrates closeups of the species.

  • Video capture date 2010-2011