Ancistrus cf. cirrhosus

Published / Updated


This South American Loricariidae is probably only to be found in the hobby and of unsure origin. There are couple of color forms and long finned variation of Ancistrus sp. in the hobby. This species is productive and breeds very easily.

Care tips

  • Strong water current
  • Highly oxygenated water preferred
  • Prefers lower temperatures
  • Thought to be an omnivore with emphasis on a plant-based diet
  • Avoid prolonged high protein diet
  • Peaceful but slightly territorial pleco
  • Provide bog-wood and hiding places
  • Provide fresh vegetables (blanch first)
  • Longfin variation might be more prone to diseases

Ancistrus cf. cirrhosus is also known by Ancistrus sp., Bristlenose catfish, Bristlenose pleco, Veiltail bristlenose, Albino bristlenose catfish, Albino veiltail catfish, Bushynose catfish, Green dragon bristlenose, Piebald bristlenose, Super red bristlenose catfish and Longfin super red bristlenose pleco.

Below you can find the Ancistrus cf. cirrhosus that I have kept in the past. You might also be interested in the Ancistrus sp. 'longfin blue eye lemon' (false L144) and Ancistrus cf. cirrhosus 'longfin super red' articles.

Please contact me if the provided information is faulty.

Photo gallery

This photo gallery contains images. Photos were taken between 2009 and 2010. Latest photos are always at the top. Click on each image for full-screen view.

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